Discomfort and pain
The numbness will usually last 2-3 hours, be sure to not bite your lip, cheek or tongue while numb. After the numbness wears off, discomfort is normal and can be relieved with Tylenol, aspirin or ibuprofen.
Tooth Sensitivity
Teeth may be sensitive to temperature changes and/or sweets. This sensitivity to temperature may be intense at first, but usually diminishes within a week or so.
Some slight bleeding may occur during the next several brushings and/or flossings, but the bleeding should steadily decrease after two or three days.
Root surfaces may be more exposed as the swelling of the inflamed gum tissue goes away. This may result in more open space between teeth. Some sensitivity may occur from this as well, try a sensitive toothpaste for relief.
If extensive root planing was performed, chewing hard and crunchy foods may be uncomfortable. These foods include meat, raw vegetables, chips, etc., Spicy foods may be sensitive to the tissues. A softer diet is advisable until chewing becomes more comfortable.
Oral hygiene
If gum tissues are tender, brush your teeth gently, but thoroughly. This may take a little more time than normal, but by the third or forth day normal hygiene techniques can be resumed. Mouth rinsing is recommended with either of the following solutions:
1. Warm saline rinse (8oz warm water and 1 teaspoon salt)
2. An anti-microbial rinse (Listerine, Scope, Crest, etc.)