1. Protection of the blood clot: Maintain gentle pressure by biting on the gauze which has been placed over the surgical area. Keep firm pressure for 30-45 minutes. Repeat as necessary.
2. Do not rinse: Or use mouthwash for 24 hours. After 24 hours, you may rinse with warm salt water (1/2 tsp. salt in glass of warm water) swish and spit out. You may swish every 1-2 hours. Please do not use any mouthwash during this time due to the alcohol content.
3. Discomfort: Following dental surgery it is normal to experience some discomfort. If medication has been prescribed, please take as instructed.
4. Toothbrush: You may carefully brush in the area of the mouth not involved by the surgical procedures. A clean mouth heals faster.
5. Eating: Adequate food and fluid intake following surgery is most important. If you find that eating your regular diet is too difficult, you may supplement your diet with liquids such as protein shakes. The high quality, nutritional value is important for prompt healing following such procedures. Please do not use a straw as this could possibly dislodge the blood clot.
6. Avoid: All excessive activity. Avoid alcoholic beverages and refrain from smoking until healing is well established.
7. Sutures: If they were used, do not fail to return for their removal on appointment date given.
8. Control Swelling: Gently apply ice packs to the area for periods of 20 minutes on and 10 minutes off. This procedure should continue for the first 24 hours only.
9. Pain Management: 800mg Ibuprofen (4 tablets) taken three times per day (morning, afternoon, evening) is recommended to control post-operative pain. In between Ibuprofen doses, 650 mg Tylenol (2 tablets) can be taken twice daily if needed.
10. Medications: Make sure you take your prescribed medication strictly following the instructions. Women taking birth control medications should be aware that antibiotics can cause birth control medications to be ineffective possibly resulting in pregnancy. Alternate methods should be used while on antibiotics.
11. Allergic Reactions: For generalized rash, itching, or other reactions, call our office immediately. If we are not available at the time, please go to the nearest hospital emergency room or call 911.